State Agency for Agricultural Credits under the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan (AKIA)

State Agency for Agricultural Credits under the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan (AKIA)

The State Service on Management of Agricultural Projects and Credits was established on the basis of the State Agency for Agricultural Credits under the Ministry of Agriculture by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated October 3, 2014, No 761 “On Amendments to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated July 14, 2010, No 1015 “On Ensuring the Activities of the Ministry of the Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and “On Approval of the Structures of Several Central Executive Bodies”. The Regulation of the State Service was approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated July 23, 2015, No. 571. Agrarian Credit and Development Agency was established on the basis of the State Service on Management of Agricultural Projects and Credits under the Ministry of Agriculture by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (  “On Amendments to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated July 23, 2015, No. 571 “On Approval of Regulations of Several Subordinate Bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 19, 2018 “On Improvement of State Support to Agriculture and Leasing Activities in Agrarian Sector".

Agrarian Credit and Development Agency is governed by its own Regulation and legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

  • Issuance of soft agricultural loans, sale of equipment and breeding animals on preferential terms
  • Project management
  • Involvement of investment in agriculture.
Main information

Twinning Office

Address: c/o Agency for Agro Credit and Development (AKIA), Ziya Bünyadov pr. 1965, Chinar Park, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Telephone: -

RTA - Mr. Riccardo Passero [email protected]

RTA Assistant - Diliara Agajeva -

Language Assistant – Rima Akhmadova -