Component 1

Component 1: Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture to analyze, formulate, monitor, report and evaluate subsidy policies.

Component 1 aims to revise the Azerbaijan state subsidies to support producers and processors of agricultural products to improve quality, food safety and cooperation in order to increase farmers income.

Component 1 is divided into 5 Results with each having its own indicators of achievement: 

Result 1:  Current subsidy policy assessed for effectiveness and compliance with likely future obligations under the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)

Result 2:  Policy options developed for improving effectiveness and efficiency and compliance of domestic support with likely future requirements

Result 3: Draft legal base for new direct support measures developed and agreed

Result 4: Framework established for linking obligations relating to the environment, land management, public and animal health, as well as animal welfare to subsidy payments

Result 5:  Farm Data Monitoring System (FDMS) is further aligned with EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) standards and used for policy analysis.

To achieve the indicators, the Missions of Experts from the Member States are organized for each Result. 


Twinning Office

Address: c/o Agency for Agro Credit and Development (AKIA), Ziya Bünyadov pr. 1965, Chinar Park, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Telephone: -

RTA - Mr. Riccardo Passero [email protected]

RTA Assistant - Diliara Agajeva -

Language Assistant – Rima Akhmadova -