Component 2: Improved MoA Capacity for Rural Development Programming and Implementation.
Component 2 aims to introduce EU rural development policy principles in order to contribute to regional and rural development improving rural economy and livelihoods.
Component 2 is divided into 2 Results with each having its own indicators of achievement:
Result 6: Analysis of the current rural development programme and programming methodology
Result 7: Proposal for the introduction of the EU rural development framework and best practice developed.
To achieve the indicators, the Missions of Experts from the Member States are organized for each Result.
Address: c/o Agency for Agro Credit and Development (AKIA), Ziya Bünyadov pr. 1965, Chinar Park, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Telephone: -
RTA - Mr. Riccardo Passero [email protected]
RTA Assistant - Diliara Agajeva -
Language Assistant – Rima Akhmadova -