Component 3

Component 3: Enhanced MoA capacity for transparent and effective administration and control of subsidy payments.

Component 3 aims to enhance the use of the Integrated Administration and Control System IACS for consistent management of agriculture subsidies

Component 3 is divided into 2 Results with each having its own indicators of achievement: 

Result 8: Legal basis proposed for administration and control of subsidy payments based on Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) principles

Result 9: Consolidated MoA capacity for administering subsidy payments through the use of the ISSP.

In order to achieve the indicators, the Missions of Experts from the Member States are organized for each Result. 



Twinning Office

Address: c/o Agency for Agro Credit and Development (AKIA), Ziya Bünyadov pr. 1965, Chinar Park, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Telephone: -

RTA - Mr. Riccardo Passero [email protected]

RTA Assistant - Diliara Agajeva -

Language Assistant – Rima Akhmadova -