Result 1

Result 1:  Current subsidy policy assessed for effectiveness and compliance with likely future obligations under the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)

Indicators of achievement

1.1 Suitable approach/model proposed and agreed following internal and external consultations for evaluating the effects of domestic support to agriculture.

1.2 Report and conclusions presented, following an analysis of current domestic support, as regards relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact in terms of achieving policy objectives for the agricultural sector and for the development of rural regions. The report will have a special focus on the impact of current subsidy policy on small and medium sized farms.

1.3 Report and conclusions presented following an analysis of possible areas of conflict with the AoA.

1.4 Training plan developed and delivered with the following outputs: 

- 20% of staff of relevant MoA departments (statistics, subsides) trained in the use of relevant policy evaluation methodology/frameworks.

- 20 % of staff of relevant MoA departments are familiarized with the basis of the WTO agreement on agriculture, issues for negotiation, classification and reporting on domestic support to the WTO.

- 100% of the staff of relevant MoA departments have received information on EU CAP support, specific types of EU direct payments and issues to be considered when changing from coupled to de-coupled support.

- 80% of staff undergoing training is satisfied with relevance and quality of training.

Total staff of relevant departments concerned by the result: 60

Twinning Office

Address: c/o Agency for Agro Credit and Development (AKIA), Ziya Bünyadov pr. 1965, Chinar Park, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Telephone: -

RTA - Mr. Riccardo Passero [email protected]

RTA Assistant - Diliara Agajeva -

Language Assistant – Rima Akhmadova -